Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blogs We Like

To write stuff, you need to read stuff (unless you're Snooki). Our goal is always to provide you with real estate information you can use in your business today, whether it's so you can provide your clients with the latest in title-impacting legislative changes, or new technology to get you in front of new clients. To bring you the best, we read the best. Here is but a sample of what we read:

1000 Watt Consulting Blog: Real estate marketing company 1000 Watt Consulting writes about the latest trends and products in real estate today.

Chris Brogan: While not real estate specific, Chris blogs daily about marketing, technology and progressive business practices. The leading source of breaking news and up-to-date information for the mortgage default servicing industry.

The Mortgage Reports: Loan officer extraordinaire Dan Green blogs daily about the latest in mortgage rates, programs and real estate trends.

naked capitalism: A compilation of articles and links about the mortgage industry.

The Notorious R.O.B. and 7DS Perspectives Blog: Real estate consultant Rob Hahn writes long, thought-provoking (and often controversial) posts on all things real estate.

The Phoenix Real Estate Guy: If you're going to read one "broker blog," read Jay Thompson's witty, informational and from-the-gut take on real estate.

Seth Godin's Blog: Best-selling author Godin writes daily quips on business, marketing and new media.

Speaking of Real Estate: Brought to you by the editors of REALTOR® magazine, this blog includes real estate stories as they’re developing and gives the reader the opportunity to provide input.

What about you? What do you read? We'd love to add to our library.