Monday, January 31, 2011

Team Title: Who does what?

Ever wonder what your friendly title people do? Here's a breakdown of the four primary positions in a title company, and what each does.

Settlement Officer: Also called a Closer, Settlement Attorney, or Title Service Representative (TSR), the Settlement Officer conducts the settlement. She presents the documents to the buyers and sellers, and witnesses the execution of them. She is often the face of the title company for the real estate agents.

Processor: We call them Settlement Coordinators, and this team is the heart and soul of what we do. The Processor is the artist whose masterpiece is a final HUD-1 settlement statement. He compiles taxes, payoffs, HOA fees and other figures required for settlement, and presents a HUD-1 to the lender for final approval. The Processor and Settlement Officer work as a team to get the closing from contract to settlement.

Post-closer: Post-closing is an important function that has two primary purposes: (1) prepare the documents for recording, and (2) send the lender their documents. In a company like ours that handles closings in three different jurisdictions and with hundreds of different lenders, this is an extremely important task.

Title Reviewer: Often (but not always) an attorney, the Title Reviewer carefully reviews the chain of title for the property in question, and determines insurability. If there were never issues, their jobs might be easy. But alas, issues abound. Whether it's an unreleased deed of trust, a problematic easement or a survey issue, the title reviewer not only identifies problem files, but also helps to cure them.

We are always looking for the best people to build our teams. While we don't always have immediate openings, we never know when we may need to add a position or two. If you want to work with the best title team around, send us a resume at careers[at]MASettlement[dot]com today!

Image by renjith krishnan